
HTK...more to explore

Understanding the basic science about human body is comparatively difficult and understanding the same in English makes it more difficult unless it is made a little interesting to grasp the idea. This is the problem,what taha tariq khan like any other growing child of Pakistan is faced with but he happens to be lucky enough to have hafsa,his sister,as his solution provider. Hafsa tariq khan is a recent example of the brave and intelligent girls,the pukhtoon breed has been producing and she is being termed as brave as malala yusufzai while presenting her work to a larger audience and as intelligent as arfa kareem,the youngest IT wizard who passed away at a tender age of 15. Hafsa planned to devise a programme capable of putting basic science about human body into an easy to learn thing that can help students sync with the process of learning their science lessons. Her first idea was that of devising a TV capable of relaying infotainment transmissions for the whole family wh...

Bravo Miss Hafsa!

"Please pray for her good health "was the appeal of Mr.tariq with a nervous tone over the phone call that he made to his family. All prayed for the baby's well being since she happened to be the first one of Mr.and Mrs.tariq family. The day she was fighting for her health,a brighter day was destined to her in the coming days as she grew older. She would play as cutely as any other child yet had an inquisitive approach towards everything she would come across. She would take interest in detailing out of each and every new happening and matter.As she grew older enough to be admitted into school,she would behave the same way and at times her teachers would get irritated to the very demanding and investigative nature of her. She would stand out in almost every event of her school life but the moment was yet to come and make her grow stronger enough to be eligible for future endeavours. "Ms hafsa!you are selected to represent khyber pakhtunkhwa in the internat...

Heritage is dying in Pakistan.

Woodwork was a routine day business for craftsmen who would compete each other in showcasing their skills and experience of the art.  It's dying today and dying visibly,loudly and with the patronage of state.  The irony is that instead of providing protection to the same,it is being ruined by the spread of  installation of heavy billboards and advertising signs. The concerned authorities keep casting a blind eye to this injustice since they are bribed by those who have and want to safeguard their vested interests. UN heritage authorities must step forward and urge the government of Pakistan and khyber pukhtunkhwa to take notice of the dying legacy .

From the time line of abdur rahman a Facebook user


Quote of the day the good and the better 08 02 2018


Forbes names highest-paid actors of 2017

Here is the list of highest paid actors of 2017 Who tops the list and who ranks down the order . Take a look in the link below.

Video tutorial how to convert YouTube video into audio formats

Learn how to make the conversion . And do leave your comments please. Thanks for watching