The basic difference between us and west is that they have adopted the principle of "EASE PROVISION" in their individual as well as collective life. Their sole purpose always remains to facilitate their customer, consumer or client.
They welcome the feedback regarding their performance and use the same to develop policies more customer friendly and helpful in service provision.Streamlining is always their core goal to achieve efficiency and hurdle free customer satisfaction.
The policy that we adopt, be it on individual level or in collective national life is to make service provision a complicated, customer unfriendly and a mission impossible at times that the customer,consumer or client is forced to use immoral and illegal means to get their work done.
The policy that we adopt, be it on individual level or in collective national life is to make service provision a complicated, customer unfriendly and a mission impossible at times that the customer,consumer or client is forced to use immoral and illegal means to get their work done.
The negative feedback regarding the performance of our public and private sector service providers is right there on the table and is largely discussed but the question is why we do not see any improvement in the performance of government as well as private sector departments?
This is where West is ahead of us as they consider NEGATIVE FEEDBACK a slap on their efficiency since their ultimate purpose is to achieve customer satisfaction.
As with the latest developments, people tend to develop new habits,transforming the same into higher standard demands from the service providers.
With the latest standards of service in practice, service providers take the slightest negative feedback as a challenge and they by reviewing their policy in practice, take steps to improve their services to the best possible standards of customer satisfaction.
We have to adopt the same policy of taking a look at our performance via the eyes of customer, consumer or client and for that feedback should be the touchstone for evaluating our efficiency.
By A.R.naqsh
By A.R.naqsh
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