Stamina vs will power
Stamina vs will power
Stamina is actually the measurement scale of one's physical strength.will power is the urge that helps one motivating for doing tasks beyond one's stamina threshold.
Adventurist people only take the risk to undertake a task with a normal stamina standard like anybody else has but with an abnormal urge to accomplish task.
This is the abnormal urge(will power)of an average stamina holder that motivates one to take risk involving greater harms to life.
Where does this abnormal urge come from?
Observations show that keeping depressed a normal physical desire for long I,e. body exertion in form of playful activities,letting it not develop into a fruitful skill can be the cause to this phenomenon.
Every human being during childhood is naturally inclined towards physical activities,the prevention and stoppage of which instills a depresed desire in one's psychology.
This is actually one's effort to satisfy one's depressed desire as one over focuses into achieving it by undertaking activities beyond one's physical stamina.
History narrates the adventures of people with greater will power who succeeded in their missions by applying correctly the available physical stamina and by involving the greater ratios of their will power.
By A.R.naqsh
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