God bless America

God bless America
Cast :- Joel Murray,Tara lynne bar
A story about US society faced with a transition of values,leaving a vast gap between the low toned,soft spoken and nicely behaving traditionalists and the loud spoken,noisy and rudely behaving new generation.
Joel is fed up with what is happening around his neighbourhood,workplace and media.
Playing a divorced husband and father of a growing dughter,Joel lives next to an indecent(according to him)neighbours who makes extreme noise, playing loud TV added up with their crying baby.
Having been terminated from office due to a violation of company rules,he turns into a serial killer and starts with murdering some TV show girl who he thinks deserves death.
An underage girl,suffering from inferiority complex,gangs up with him.She falls for him but Joel despite her silly seductive attempts,does not break and categorically stops her from behaving so.
The gang anyway keeps on purging the society their way as in the last scenes they succeed in forcibly entering the stage of the grand finale of some popular TV show in which Joel makes an emotional speech of the social decay the US society is faced with,lamenting of the dying values that are lowered down to a superficial level as public is more than happy to celebrate the loudest,cheapest and meanest of the society that media puts on the screen.
Joel Murray has undoubtedly put up some good acting talent and been successful in carrying audience's interest to the very last scene.
The co-actoress playing a bubbly,jolly girl,has given her best to coordinate Joel in maintaining the overall swinging mood of the movie.
It is another good free-time worth watching movie with some real insight into the social transition of US society.

By A.R.naqsh


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