چراغ بجھ گیا تھا چراغ بجھ گیا تھا وہ ساون کی پہلی پہلی بارِشوں میں جب سبھی ایک دُوسرے کا ہاتھ تھامے ہنْستے جاتے گرجتے بادل کڑکتی بجلی سے سہم سہم کرگلے مِلتے جاتے اِنھی ساعتوں میں زرد پتّوں کے بکھرے ڈھیروں تَلے بھیگتی مٹّی کی سُوندی خوشبُوؤں سے چھت پر ٹپکنے والی بُوندوں سے چراغ بجھ گیا تھا سہم کر چھپ کر جب میں گامزن تھا عِلْم کی رَہگذر پہ میں اُٹھّا کھڑکی کے کواڑ بند کرنے کہ تیز جھونْکے میرے لمحہ لمحہ مرتے چراغ کو کہیں گُل نہ کر دے میری روشنی کو جُدا نہ کر دے قریب منزِل نہ دُور کر دے مگر یہ شایدتھی خوش گُمانی کہ میری منزِل تو مجھ سے کوسوں مزید اوجھل سی ہو گئی تھی میری دو آنکھیں خمارِاُلفت سے جیسے مزید بوجھل سی ہو گئی تھیں سفید آنچل کا جادُو دِل پر خموشیوں سے اُتر رہا تھا کِواڑبجنے لگے تھے اور اِک ہوا کا جھونْکا جو تیز آیا عقب میں ڈالی نظر جو میں نے چراغ با لکل ہی بجھ گیا تھا اے.آر.نقش
Understanding the basic science about human body is comparatively difficult and understanding the same in English makes it more difficult unless it is made a little interesting to grasp the idea. This is the problem,what taha tariq khan like any other growing child of Pakistan is faced with but he happens to be lucky enough to have hafsa,his sister,as his solution provider. Hafsa tariq khan is a recent example of the brave and intelligent girls,the pukhtoon breed has been producing and she is being termed as brave as malala yusufzai while presenting her work to a larger audience and as intelligent as arfa kareem,the youngest IT wizard who passed away at a tender age of 15. Hafsa planned to devise a programme capable of putting basic science about human body into an easy to learn thing that can help students sync with the process of learning their science lessons. Her first idea was that of devising a TV capable of relaying infotainment transmissions for the whole family wh...
http://money.cnn.com/2017/11/01/technology/uber-new-york-attack-driver-background-check/index.html In a statement by Uber,it says the truck attack suspect passed a background check conducted by the car hire company. US media has picked this issue and the criticism on the company's check process is being made across the whole media including social media. Pakistan a front line country against terrorism is an ideal place to hold such background checks for people applying for driving licences. Anyone with a little know how of driving and a good contact at license issuing authority can get hold of a driving licence hence be eligible to come onto road as licensed driver.In a situation like this,no heed is paid to the applicant's background as to determine his past data of residence,travel and contacts. This is high time that voice is raised in this regard from all quarters of Pakistani media. By A.R.naqsh
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